This has been the most remarkable of experiences for all of us at the 63rd and one we will never forget. We have so many people to thank for their support and encouragement. None of this would have been possible without the generous donation of a Mirror kit from Lorne Bellamy and John McCullough of Mirror Sailing Development.
Don Alp who provided his home, his garage, his expertise and far too much of his own resources to build a boat that is nothing short of stunning.
To all the Scouts of 63rd Windsor who came out and shivered in a garage scraping, sanding, cutting, twisting, coating and sweeping to build their very own boat that will outlast their Scouting careers by decades.
To the incredible members of OMDA who came out to sail with us, shared their boats, their time and their love of sailing.
To my fellow Scout Leaders who supported the whole idea and threw themselves into the project.
This whole idea started while I was standing in a lineup waiting for something to happen, in the hot sun, on the shores of Sylvan Lake, Alberta during CJ13, the Canadian Scout Jamboree. As I watched Scouts wait for hours to get into a boat and sail out to a point and sail back. I turned to Scouter Bill Ames and said; "I've got an idea". Which is why we always encourage our Scouts to wear a hat in the sun.
"No Regrets" now belongs to Scouts Canada. She will eventually find a home and be available to any and all Scout groups in Windsor and beyond. So this is not the end of her story, it is not even the beginning of the end of her story; it is however, the end of the beginning
Don Alp who provided his home, his garage, his expertise and far too much of his own resources to build a boat that is nothing short of stunning.
To all the Scouts of 63rd Windsor who came out and shivered in a garage scraping, sanding, cutting, twisting, coating and sweeping to build their very own boat that will outlast their Scouting careers by decades.
To the incredible members of OMDA who came out to sail with us, shared their boats, their time and their love of sailing.
To my fellow Scout Leaders who supported the whole idea and threw themselves into the project.
This whole idea started while I was standing in a lineup waiting for something to happen, in the hot sun, on the shores of Sylvan Lake, Alberta during CJ13, the Canadian Scout Jamboree. As I watched Scouts wait for hours to get into a boat and sail out to a point and sail back. I turned to Scouter Bill Ames and said; "I've got an idea". Which is why we always encourage our Scouts to wear a hat in the sun.
"No Regrets" now belongs to Scouts Canada. She will eventually find a home and be available to any and all Scout groups in Windsor and beyond. So this is not the end of her story, it is not even the beginning of the end of her story; it is however, the end of the beginning